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Lori Boruff http://www.loriboruff.com Speaker & Life Coach Fri, 12 Aug 2016 22:59:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 http://www.loriboruff.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cropped-lori-boruff-site-icon-32x32.jpg Lori Boruff http://www.loriboruff.com 32 32 Faith In The Middle http://www.loriboruff.com/faith-in-the-middle/ http://www.loriboruff.com/faith-in-the-middle/#respond Fri, 12 Aug 2016 22:58:07 +0000 http://www.loriboruff.com/?p=24922 “Really, God? You want me to do what?”

When my God-sized dream started to stir–that was my reaction.

I believe God calmly nodded YES, Lori.

Now, years have passed by. My time is spent cultivating the ground, sowing seeds, and caring for the dream God planted in my heart many moons ago. Time for the harvest is nearing.

He has given me a passion for women who desire to tell their stories of hope and faith but find themselves stuck in fear and lacking confidence. My heart draws close the fainthearted—to the woman who feels like giving up.  

Fear Has No boundaries

New and seasoned speakers face that wall of fear while disappointment detours them back to their comfort zone.  It’s in that comfort zone that their stories remain untold. Comfort zones are like graveyards where hope dies.

When hope dies, precious lives are lost in a dark and confusing world.

It’s hope that changes things and the world needs to hear stories of hope!

God has given me a big vision to help transform womens’ fear into faith through conferences, retreats, social media and coaching.  This, however, has been a long journey giving me better understanding of the woman who longs for a breakthrough, or who is weary of waiting.  

When God plants that dream and begins stirring your heart,  it’s exciting to envision the celebration at the end! The hard part is waiting for his perfect timing to celebrate.  

The Middle of Your God-sized Dream Requires FAITH

When I look to the creator of my dream, he’s still calmly nodding—YES, Lori.  Every day, I’m thankful for the women He sends and allows me to guide from worry to wonderful.

I am sensing my faith in the middle will produce an abundant harvest and a big celebration!

Hang on—your God-sized dream requires faith in the middle and ends with a celebration!

Lori Boruff




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Waiting is worth it! http://www.loriboruff.com/waiting-is-worth-it/ http://www.loriboruff.com/waiting-is-worth-it/#respond Tue, 14 Jun 2016 19:26:39 +0000 http://www.dev.loriboruff.com/?p=24575

I remember the excitement of registering for the 2015 Christian Communicators Conference.

I also remember Cynthia Owen’s gracious email offering to add me to the waiting list. The conference filled up fast. I was too slow…or was I? The big reveal is at the end of the story.

In the past, waiting was hard for me.

Waiting for our soldier-son’s weekly phone call from Iraq was hard. Waiting month after month for him to come home alive was harder. Waiting for our youngest son to make better choices was hard. Waiting months for his sentencing to start a possible 14 year prison term was harder. Waiting for God to use me is hard. Waiting for God to use me when I worry too much is harder.

Waiting often opens the door to worry. Worry displays no manners. Worry would never pass Carolyn’s etiquette class! Worry barges into your thought life like a big bully. His little bully-buddies pick at you and call you names. Those little bullies are doubts, insecurity, failure or hopelessness. They are powerful and paralyzing.

This wait, however, was different. I actually thanked Cynthia for adding me to the waiting list. Through the previous hard and harder waiting seasons, my faith grew. I witnessed God’s faithfulness and perfect purpose in all things. I discovered that waiting is always worth it.

When my plan to attend CCC appeared to derail, worry quickly knocked at my door. Faith answered and worry fled.

Faith kept me focused on God’s purpose, more than my plans.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’S purpose that prevails.” – Proverbs 19:21 NIV

Guess what?  I am a 2015 CCC graduate—the waiting was worth it!

No, this is not the big reveal. Keep reading.

At the conference, my coaching practice came into focus. The year-long fog lifted. My path became clear. I discovered my passion is to help women lose their worry and effectively share their story with confidence and clarity. I desire to help women live their wonderful!

But here is the big reveal!  God’s larger purpose overshadowed my big plans to attend CCC. Attending the conference was just the beginning for me. He soon opened the door for Lori Boruff from Aledo, Illinois to become a CCC co-director! I am excited to team up with Vonda, Carolyn, Sherry, Tammy and our efficiency addict, Cynthia. We believe God’s purpose is bigger than we envision and we wait with grateful hearts as it unfolds.

I am also eagerly waiting to meet you—my CCC sisters, and witness God’s big reveal in your lives!

The waiting is worth it!

I’d love to connect with you on my website. Enter your email address and you will be notified when my NEW website is launched. I promise it will be worth the wait.

When has waiting been hard? How has God’s purpose prevailed?

Lori Boruff

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When Life Gives You Lemons – Make Lemonade! http://www.loriboruff.com/make-lemonade/ http://www.loriboruff.com/make-lemonade/#respond Mon, 23 May 2016 13:35:49 +0000 http://versatile.divisoup.com/?p=488

Gayle Zinda – Guest Blogger

We have all heard that, and it’s a good idea. Life’s lemons can be sweetened into beautiful lemonade or they can make you sour…but how? The best way to sweeten life’s lemons is a relationship with Jesus Christ and an understanding that:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13)

This relationship with Jesus creates a mental makeover. When there’s an unexpected bump in the road, ask God how he means for you to use it in a positive way.

Gayle-Zinda-pink-rvWhen I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I asked God what he wanted me to do.

I learned I was to shine a light on lung cancer and work to bring this disease, which kills more than breast, colon, prostate, and kidney cancers all together.

I traveled the country for a year to bring awareness. It was God’s plan for me.

God gave me the strength to make lemonade out of a really big lemon.

So, you have some lemons in your life: self-doubt, guilt, regrets. Jesus can help you squeeze those lemons and make the sweetest lemonade possible. Have you asked him into your heart to make this possible? If not, the prayer below will help you do just that. Ask Jesus to be your partner in making lemonade.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I do believe You are the Son of God and that You died on the cross to pay for my sin. Please come into my life, forgive my sin and make me a member of Your family. I now turn from going my own way. I want You to be the center of my life. Thank You for Your gift of eternal life and for Your Holy Spirit, who has now come to live in me.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Now, Make Some Lemonade!

Gayle Zinda Lemonade KitDo you know someone who would like to receive Gayle’s Pink Lemonade Gift Box?

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Feeling the Pain http://www.loriboruff.com/feeling-the-pain/ http://www.loriboruff.com/feeling-the-pain/#respond Mon, 16 May 2016 23:00:24 +0000 http://www.dev.loriboruff.com/?p=1005

Dawn Scott (Jones) Damon – Guest Blogger

I didn’t understand the severe impact sexual abuse had on me. For years I wasn’t able to grasp the depth of my pain. I knew something was wrong, yet I rejected the possibility that it was connected to my childhood sexual abuse. I criticized myself and minimized my experience.

    Stop overreacting; you’ve only suffered a minor offense. It’s no big deal.
    You’re weak and incapable of shrugging off a bad experience. Move on.

But I couldn’t move on. More guilt. If the solution was that easy, what was wrong with me?

Was I too weak? Defective?  Why couldn’t I forget my abuse?

I must have asked myself those questions hundreds of times. I wanted to bury the past or at least ignore it, but it wouldn’t go away. I was stuck.

Today I know I wasn’t weak. Struggling with the effects of sexual abuse is expected and the rule, not the exception. My past and all its pain were knocking on the door of the emotional closet I’d stuffed them into, and those emotions wanted out.

I understood that opening the door and acknowledging the past were the only way to move on, but I couldn’t do it. Facing the raw truth of sexual abuse terrified me. Instead, I suppressed my pain and remained emotionally frozen.

As long as I was strong and in control, everything seemed okay. But when I opened the door of my past sexual abuse, I felt overwhelmed; afraid of my vulnerability and emotional weakness.

    I have to feel this—I need to heal.

It took me two years to form those words in my thoughts and even longer to say them aloud. But once I accepted that I needed to feel if I wanted to heal, I repeated the words to myself out loud.

I needed to feel, to grieve my unresolved sorrow, and find peace with my past. I’m not alone.

Sexual abuse is a wounding invasion—a molestation of mind and soul. When it happens, (and it happens all too often) it shatters our emotions, our trust, and our ability to trust. It destroys feelings of security. We are stripped of our boundaries. We feel powerless, vulnerable, and fearful. We’ve been intimidated—our self-confidence, decimated.

Survivors have described other struggles:

• Shame and guilt
• A sense of worthlessness and damaged self-esteem
• Fear, anxiety, and panic attacks
• Sleep disturbances  and eating disorders
• Impaired memory and flashbacks
• Fear of trust and intimacy
• Depression and suicidal thoughts

Yes, sexual assault cuts deeply. To be whole we must be honest about the psychological imprint abuse leaves on us as survivors. Everyone’s experience is different, but no matter what form of sexual abuse we encountered, it left its mark.

For me, being honest about my abuse meant accepting the fact that it wasn’t my fault, I wasn’t bad. I worked at feeling compassion toward myself by thinking kind and sympathetic thoughts that replaced the voice of my ever-present, inner-critic with the disappointed, scolding tone.

I still teetered on the side of intolerance when my emerging, tender spirit showed signs of breaking through, but that’s when I mustered the words to remind myself,

Sexual abuse is a big deal, I will acknowledge that what was done against me was horrifically wrong.

Self-compassion is still a challenge for me. It’s easy to slip back into my default system and become harsh and demanding on myself. I have to remember I’m not bad for having needs, and I’m not flawed for wanting love.

Maybe you have a story too. Sexual abuse, regardless of its nature, has left a horrific impact on you. It’s scarred your heart.

I encourage you to be honest about the pain of your sexual abuse and recognize and feel the damage that was done to you. Healing is possible, and you can explore the depths of your wounds and begin recovery.

Lori Boruff

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Why Does God Allow Suffering? http://www.loriboruff.com/why-does-god-allow-suffering/ http://www.loriboruff.com/why-does-god-allow-suffering/#respond Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:27:32 +0000 http://versatile.divisoup.com/?p=483

Dax LockeJulie and Austin Locke had the privilege of loving their son his whole life. At 2 1/2 years old, Dax Locke, lost his battle with cancer and received his angel wings.

Julie and her husband learned to “Cherish Every Moment” which is a gift from God that not all people have come to understand in this busy world.

Julie honestly asks the question – Why when I loved my child so much would God allow him to suffer and then take him away?

We do have suffering in this world thanks to world changers – Adam and Eve, the very first parents. Because they went against God, the perfect world that once existed became full of disease, distress and destruction for every generation to follow. (Genesis 3) It’s in this dark world, God’s love shines brighter. Faith reaches higher. Trust grows deeper.

God doesn’t leave us where we are. He cares about our hurting hearts.

He sent hope to the world. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners (against God), (his son Jesus) Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8  – From that love we have the hope of heaven.

Resources to Help You on Your Journey

Connect with Teske Drake!

Why would a loving and holy God allow a child to suffer through a serious illness like cancer  – R.C. Sproul


Lori Boruff

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A Heart Like Piglet http://www.loriboruff.com/heart-like-piglet/ http://www.loriboruff.com/heart-like-piglet/#respond Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:42:48 +0000 http://versatile.divisoup.com/?p=1

A Heart Like PigletWho doesn’t love Winnie the Pooh’s friend, Piglet, and his perspective on life—especially this one where his small heart holds large amounts of Gratitude!

What is your small heart full of—fear or gratitude?

Fear of failure; fear of rejection; fear of tomorrow; fear of dreaming big; fear of losing someone; fear of being out of control…add your fears to the list.

How is fear infecting your health? Medical professionals agree that fear can lead to depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and other health issues.

Is your small heart ready to burst? How do you replace fear with gratitude? One way is…

Choose HOPE.  Hope is expecting something good even in the bad. Finding hope in the ruins is a process of facing fears and choosing hope.

Start by thanking God for those panic attacks, indigestion, anxiety and depression. Those things are not meant to harm you—but to alarm you.

God created humans with built-in alarm systems. Rather than dread those symptoms, recognize it as your built-in alarm system. Then follow these four steps:

    • Through prayer, thank God for your built in alarm system. It’s not to harm you but to alarm you.
    • Get honest with your fears and give them to God.
    • Choose Hope – expect something good, even in the bad. God is always working for your good.
    • Ask God to fill you with his peace, love and joy.

Hope is a powerful thing and you can learn it by experience. May your heart of gratitude burst with hope and overflow on those around you.

What is one area your life could change if your small heart held a large amount of gratitude?

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Joanne Bischof http://www.loriboruff.com/joanne-bischof/ http://www.loriboruff.com/joanne-bischof/#respond Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:58:45 +0000 http://www.dev.loriboruff.com/?p=24598

Joanne Bischof – Guest Blogger

Yea Though I Walk Through the Valley

The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Forever. (Psalms 23)

The 23rd Psalm has never had much impact on me before. Aside from memorizing it as a child with my parents help, I just thought it had something to do with a Shepherd his staff and something about lying beside still waters. I just never quite got it. Until now.

The valley of the shadow of death is a very real place. For those who find themselves in the valley, away from the mountain tops and sunlight, take comfort that it is something we walk through–not around in aimlessly, not back and forth…but through. There is a beginning to it which can feel the darkest, but there is also an end. And though it may feel that way at times, we are never alone.

It is not a place of abandonment–God is there to be our comfort. And though it is so hard to see, we will not be the same as we were in the beginning. With each step, God does a work to transform us. To strengthen us. To bring us closer to him.

To God be the glory.

About the Author:

Joanne BischofJoanne Bischof lives in the mountains of Southern California with her kiddos and husband. They are a home-school family and have plenty of time for adventure and creative projects. When she’s not weaving Appalachian romance, she’s blogging, writing and experiencing country living that brings her heartfelt stories to life.

WEBSITE:   www.joannebischof.com

FACEBOOK: Joanne Bischof author page




Still My SoulPretty girl Lonnie Sawyer is shy and innocent –
but bluegrass musician Gideon O’Riley steals a kiss that seals her fate.
Gideon only cared about himself, will he ever be worthy of Lonnie’s heart?



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Diane Markins – Women In High Def http://www.loriboruff.com/women-in-high-def/ http://www.loriboruff.com/women-in-high-def/#respond Sat, 12 Sep 2015 16:17:32 +0000 http://www.dev.loriboruff.com/?p=24591

Hope friends – meet  Diane Markins, author of Women in High Def, Boldly Living Your Purposes with Vibrant Clarity.

Women in High Def: Boldly Living Your Purposes with Vibrant ClarityBUY THIS  BOOK ON AMAZON!

Falling Down Gorgeous

(Excerpt from Women in High Def: Boldly Living Your Purposes with Vibrant Clarity)
Time takes its toll on all of us. Parts of me that were once up here are now down there. My face, once smooth and fresh was becoming a bit weathered and wrinkled. Other areas that used to be firm are now wiggly. As I turned fifty I began to notice that I was becoming invisible, based on my appearance. That’s a big fat horse pill to swallow for my ego. But that’s okay. The good news is that when people start to see less of me, they see more of Jesus. He’s much more appealing and has no hidden agenda.

I hate to admit it, but I still enjoy being noticed on occasion. My husband and I went on a date to a very fancy mountaintop restaurant overlooking the city. I dressed for the occasion in my fitted black slacks, silky blouse and high heels.

I followed the maitre de to our table, my husband right behind me. I was feeling pretty good about myself and strutted a bit as we crossed a large open expanse of the room. As my stilettos went from carpet to wood floor something strange happened…I began to skate, stumble and flail about, for what felt like ten excruciating minutes, before finally landing flat on my keister. For endless moments all sound ceased except the quiet music in the background. Diners, servers and kitchen staff gaped at me, frozen in mid-action.

Graciously, I was helped up, escorted to and seated at our table, where they elevated and iced my swollen ankle. Then—to my horror—the paramedics arrived, causing an even bigger stir. Servers and managers came by frequently to check on me. Finally, our fellow diners made their way to our table as they departed to share their own “fall down” tales.

Earlier that evening, I had hoped for a little extra attention. But this wasn’t what I had in mind. Now I was just grateful I hadn’t chosen the skirt I had considered that was still hanging on my closet door. My experience that night was a great reminder that the only beauty that matters is what the Lord puts in our hearts. Everything else “falls” short in the end.

About the Author:

Diane Markins has always aspired to live in High Def. She uses her radio show, writing and speaking to inspire women to transform their lives from mediocre and complacent to bold and vibrant. She settles for nothing less in her own life as a wife, mom, grandmother, friend and colleague. Diane writes two blogs, WomenInHighDef.com and WordsInHighDef.com, is a regular contributor to the Presidential Prayer Team website and CBN.com. She and her husband of 34 years work and live close to their children in Arizona.




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